Description: 4 grupuri de impresie, Format maxim de hartie: 375x520 mm, Format minim de hartie: 100x150 mm, Format maxim de impresie: 350x505 mm, Placa: 400x510 mm, Grosime placa si asternut: 0,30 mm, Cauc...
Description: Year of produce 2001, , 164 mil. impressions, , Five colours 5/0 or 2/3 perfektor, , Max. paper size: 520 x 720 mm, , Min. paper size: 230 x 305 mm, , Max. print area 510 x 710 mm, , PQC Console wit ...
Description: Basic data, Year of construction: 2000, Overhaul, Printing output: approx. 39 million, , Technical specifications:, , Max. Sheet format: 660 × 470 mm, Min. Sheet format: 297 x 200 mm, Min. Sheet for...
Description: Year 1991, CPC1.02, variant , Perfector betwen 1-4, Alcolor dampening, Baldwin refrigerator , Machine in production., Some rollers must be reconditioned.
Description: Size 48x65 cms., , -Year 1981 serial number 601---, , -Water dampening, , -NP group complete with all parts and numbering units, Very nice conditions, , -53 mil. copies, Only one owner